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May News

CANOPYMATES!!! Here are all the ways you can be a part of the canopy community, share your events and accomplishments, and collectively benefit our growing community. 


WEBSITE is currently being re-designed to list all of the current tenants. Stay tuned!


SOCIAL MEDIA (like, share, tweet and follow one another to help promote your Canopymates!)

Twitter: @canopyaustin 

Canopy Artists Group on Facebook:



We have a canopy email list. To join simply send an email to You can sign up to receive each message individually or a daily digest of posts. There are generally 1 – 3 posts per day. To see an archive of the email discussions visit



We have two events calendars where you can submit your public events or share your on-site or off-site events with Canopymates. To add something to the calendar, simply come by Art.Science.Gallery. and tell Hayley or email with the details. 


Public Calendar:

Canopymates Calendar:

(.xml, .html and .ical links of the calendar can be found in the archives of our email list if you’d like to import these calendars in to calendar programs you use.)


O P E N Canopy

The First Friday and Saturday  of every month is Open Canopy:

Friday 6-9 and following Saturday 12-6 consider being open for our monthly open house. Rebecca Bennett sends out press releases that have gotten a lot of attention lately (and participating artists/studios/businesses names in the paper!). The more the merrier, so let her know if you’ll be participating by emailing by the 15th of the previous month.


Tea Time-

Every Wednesday Tea Time is hosted in a  different studio or gallery.  Check the postings in the hallways for who's hosting each week or on the calendar. If you'd like to sign up to host you can email Haley and get on the calendar.


On your hosting day- please pick up the Tea Time accessories from ASG as early as 2pm on the day of the event and return it afterwards.


If you have an announcement that you want included on next month's news page email


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November News

June Announcements


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