Expanding Landscape (Sculpture)- Private Dental Office (Houston, TX)
Expanding Landscape (Sculpture)
Vellum, Acrylic rod, Monofilament
18 in x 72 in x 12 in
Private Dental Office, Houston, TX
A precursor to TopoGraph and the origin for a larger installation of the same title, Expanding Landscape (Sculpture) started with a single piece of vellum. Mountains and valleys grew out of the paper to make a topography alluding to both geologic and architectural forms. I created the three dimensional form by making cuts into the material, using an x-acto knife to “draw” lines into the page that allowed it to open up into a lacey, flowing, 3d landscape. I remain intrigued and mesmerized by the magic of transforming a flat sheet of material into an undulating form. In Expanding Landscape (Sculpture) I was able to work spontaneously, allowing the sculpture to take shape as I cut across the sheet without a fixed plan in my head. Giving into the possibilities of the material, letting the process of working with it be both fluid and highly specific, gave me a new way to achieve a balanced piece that flows through space, extrapolating organic lines and form through repeated cuts.