West Texas Inspiration
I just returned from a great trip to west Texas. The amazing sunsets, beautiful music, long conversations, and friendly people energized me. The trip started because my friends and musicians The Succulents were going on a west Texas tour. I met up with them in Alpine and spent a lovely evening listening to tunes, talking with locals, and even running into a friend from Houston!
After Alpine we went on to Marfa where I got to see friends I had met the year before when I was working on a playground with Jack Sander's Design Build Adventure. East Side Play looks great and is being enjoyed by the kids in the neighborhood! You can see more images from last summer on the Design Build Adventure Site.
I wandered around town and met an artist who is working on an interactive video installation, talked to Robert of Arbor and Son, the master printmaker who worked with Donald Judd as well as many other amazing artists, and checked out the art exhibits that were on display in town.