Prismatic (Installation) - Lawndale Art Center (Houston, TX)

Prismatic (Installation)
Acrylic, Steel
Dimensions Vary
Lawndale Art Center, Houston, TX
Prismatic (Installation) remains a pivotal piece in my practice. This work was my entry point to fully working with color and space. Prismatic (Installation) launched me into an ongoing investigation of layering and mixing color. The overlapping rectangles of this constantly shifting landscape of color, angles, and light echos at moments Joseph Albers’ Homage to the Square and his life’s work with color. This accidental reference fits perfectly into my own relationship with and love of color. I invite viewers into the piece, giving them the opportunity to view the work from different angles and see their own reflections in the hanging acrylic pieces. It reminds us that we each experience the world through the prism of our own individual histories and personalities. Walking through Prismatic (Installation), the rigid forms morph into a flowing and changing panorama of primary colors and their variants.