
Review: Art Season Off to a Strong Start at Goodwin, Walker
by Michael Paglia
"The Fractal Nature of Things," by Melissa Borrell. wood & paint. Photo credit: Abbey Arlt
The show begins in the double-height window space with a handful of works by Melissa Borrell, including the enormous installation “The Fractal Nature of Things.” Meandering over the two-story north wall, the piece is built of painted wooden circles that have been slotted together like a balsa-wood model airplane. The colors of the circles alternate between tangerine and white; although every part is geometric, and the title even mentions fractals, the whole takes on an organic shape evocative of a coral outcropping.
The nip in the air means the art season is upon us, and it’s off to a good start with these solid shows.
Experimental Surrounding, through November 4 at Walker Fine Art, 300 West 11th Avenue, #A, 303-355-8955, walkerfineart.com.